Brew Guides

Please click below to open our brewing recommendations, in PDF format.


  • Nordic-style roasting is a style of light-roasting, originally pioneered in Scandinavia by Tim Wendelboe, Coffee Collective, La Cabra, and April Coffee Roasters. We roast in this style because we find it best attuned to highlighting the qualities that make each coffee unique and outstanding. It is also the style best suited to develop the level of sweetness, acidity, clarity, and complexity that we expect in world-class coffee. Because Nordic-style roasting is such a light, minimal style, all you’re tasting in the cup is the purest expression of the bean’s inherent flavor. Also, unlike darker roasts where the flavor of the roasting is itself present, and even dominant in the cup, there is no such roasting flavor for our coffee to hide behind. This means that starting with raw green coffee of the highest quality is non-negotiable.

  • We are privileged to be partnered with some of the most focused, intentional, and quality-driven independent coffee shops in the country, including:

    Drip Coffee Makers — Manhattan, NY

    Farewell — Asheville, NC

    Golden Goat — San Francisco, CA

    Good Neighbor — Baltimore, MD

    Secret Coffee — Brooklyn, NY

    Slow by Slow — Boise, ID

    Talbott & Arding — Hudson, NY

    Urlicht Coffee — Hong Kong, PRC

    Villager — Brooklyn, NY

  • We currently purchase our coffee from a select few specialty-quality importers, with long-standing reputations for the excellence of their coffee offerings as well as their ethical and enduring relationships with partnering farms and farmers. We conduct extensive testing for quality before committing to a coffee lot.

  • We recommend reading the descriptions and tasting notes associated with each of our offerings, and using whatever most catches your eye as a basis for your order. If you’re still undecided, however, a member of our team would be more than happy to help you in making that final decision, so please feel free to reach out to us at

  • We have color-coded our labels for ease of browsing and selection. The following is the meaning of each color you will find present on our labels:

    African Coffee - Blue

    North American Coffee - Yellow

    South American Coffee - Red

    White Coffee (Pairs with Milk) - Orange

    Low-Caffeine Coffee - Green

  • Buying quality coffee is a great step towards the perfect cup of coffee — fortunately we have you covered there. Brewing that coffee correctly, however, is just as important to the quality of the resulting cup. To that end, we recommend that you check out our equipment recommendations just below to ensure that the tools you’re using are up to the task of brewing exquisite coffee. Also, either when prompted at check out or in the form to the left, we encourage you to request a free brew guide for your method of choice.

  • Some brewing methods, while popular, may not yield the best results in the cup in terms of flavor clarity, sweetness, and body. Having tested a myriad of coffee preparation methods, these are the methods we recommend, and the makes of brewing equipment that we find best suited to brewing specialty coffee.

    Home Espresso Machines:

    (Entry-Tier) — Gaggia Classic Pro

    (Middle-Tier) — Rancilio Silvia

    (High-Tier) — La Marzocco Linea Mini

    Drip Coffee Machines:

    Ratio Six, Technivorm Moccamaster

    Cone-Shaped Pour Over:

    Hario V60

    Flat-Bottom Pour Over:

    Orea V3, April Brewer

    French Press:

    Espro Press Everyday P3, Espro P7


    Fellow Stagg EKG


    Hario V60 Drip Scale, Acaia Pearl

  • Grinding your coffee fresh, just before brewing, is integral to the complexity of the resulting cup of coffee. Although you can’t see it, coffee oxidizes faster than avocados, meaning that in only a few hours, it loses most of the aromatic compounds that make each coffee so interesting unique to taste. The most significant improvement to cup quality can be made by investing in a decent burr grinder. Below are our at-home grinder recommendations for different price points.

    (Entry-Tier) — Baratza Encore

    (Middle-Tier) — Kinu M47, Niche Zero

    (High-Tier) — Weber Workshops EG-1

  • Whether you’re new to the world of specialty coffee or an old hand, we find that there is always more to learn. Fortunately for us there is a wealth of resources available, created by a select few talented, knowledgeable individuals who share our passion for coffee.

    We highly recommend checking out James Hoffman and Lance Hedrick's channels on Youtube, as well as Coffee with April and The Real Sprometheus to learn more about any coffee-related subject you can imagine.

    We also find the following books to be excellent guides for the coffee-curious:

    The World Atlas of Coffee — James Hoffmann

    The Fundamentals of Excellent Coffee — Coffee Collective

    The Professional Barista’s Handbook — Scott Rao

    The Physics of Filter Coffee — Jonathan Gagne

    God in a Cup — Michaele Weissman

    The Craft and Science of Coffee — Britta Folmer

    Coffee: Production, Quality and Chemistry — Adriana Farah

  • We roast to order every Tuesday, and ship orders out every Tuesday and Wednesday. The cut-off for orders each week is on Monday at 22:00 EST. If an order is placed after this time, it will be roasted and shipped the following week.

    Shipping times vary depending on destination, but you will be given an estimate when prompted to select a shipping method at checkout.